Monday, July 1, 2024


30 years ago today, this film was released to movie theatres...
...with this tie-in comic with a script adaptation by Joel Goss and Michael Kaluta, and art by Michael Kaluta.

The movie's version of the scene was somewhat different...

Here's how the scene played in the movie...
Be Here Tomorrow for Part 2 of...
The Shadow!
Plus commentary and behind-the-scenes revelations!
Note: the opening sequence involving Lamont Cranston's time in Tibet is not in the comic adaptation...

...although whether that's because Goss and Kaluta were working from an early version of the script, or, equally-likely, Kaluta felt it didn't fit his idea of who The Shadow was!
In addition, the end of the bridge fight features a "dolly-in" of a full-body shot of The Shadow without a cloak!
That's because the cloak was to be animated, as it was when he appeared inside the Hotel Monolith during the film's climactic confrontation!
The animated cloak appears in Taylor Dane's "Original Sin" video promoting the movie at 4:20...

Obviously, animating a tracking shot was more difficult than the non-moving shot at the Hotel Monolith!
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The Shadow
Collector's Edition

(with kool extras not available anywhere else!)
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