HBO's new Perry Mason mini-series shows his hard-boiled pre-lawyer days...
..which were actually pretty similar to his early lawyer days, as this never-reprinted full-length adventure, adapting one of Earl Stanley Gardner's novels, from McKay's Feature Book #49 (1946) attests!

The tale continues...
Based on Perry Mason's third novel, Case of the Lucky Legs (1933), this 1948 comic is a paste-up of daily and Sunday newspaper comic strips from the early to mid-1940s!
It was quite a common practice to "re-run" newspaper comic strip material a couple of years later in comic book format.
Dick Tracy, Buck Rogers, Joe Palooka, Lil' Abner, and many others gained a new, younger, audience who then followed the daily and Sunday newspaper strips!
Clever marketing, eh?
Speaking of clever, let's look at the author of Perry Mason...
Interesting fellow, eh?
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Perry Mason's Premiere Adventure
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Case of the Velvet Claws
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